• dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso - Kadr dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso

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Pozostałe kosmetyki

Dark spot fix (15ml) (Verso)

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  • Kategoria: Uroda » Pozostałe kosmetyki
  • Marka: Verso
  • Dostępność produktu: Dostępny
Więcej cech produktu

Informacje na temat produktu

Verso Dark Spot Fix is an intensive and effective spot treatment that reduces the visibility of pigmentation and gives a smoother skin texture. The formula contains a high concentration of Retinol...

Sugerowany towar dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso kupisz w Bangerhead.pl w naprawdę atrakcyjnej cenie wynoszącej 361,00 zł. Oferta ta jest wynikiem szerokiej analizy wielu hurtowni oraz sklepów internetowych.

Najlepsza cena

361,00 zł jest w sklepie Sklep Bangerhead.pl Idź do sklepu Aktualne ceny w sklepach Zobacz produkty podobne

Zaprezentowana sugestia sklepu internetowego Bangerhead.pl to najkorzystniejsza cena (361,00) w bazie. UWAGA: w cenę nie wkalkulowano opłaty za doręczenie, dlatego przedkupnem przeczytaj warunki wysyłki w sklepie.

Cały opis dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso

Verso Dark Spot Fix is an intensive and effective spot treatment that reduces the visibility of pigmentation and gives a smoother skin texture. The formula contains a high concentration of Retinol 8, a stabilized vitamin A complex eight times more effective than kanon retinol yet half as irritative.

The formula also contains niacinamide and turmeric, which enhance the product's effectiveness, and hyaluronic acid, which provides long-lasting moisture and a plump appearance. The skin becomes visibly smoother and has an increased glow, and the skin feels smoother and softer.

It is an excellent spot treatment to minimize marks after blockages, such as pimples and impurities. Verso Dark Spot Fix can be used during the day.- Minimizes pigmentation and uneven skin tone- For smoother skin with increased radiance- Gives long-lasting hydration and a more plump appearance- Suitable for all skin typesUse:Apply a thin layer of Verso Dark Spot Fix on areas with uneven skin tone, visible pigmentation or on marks from previous blockages (e.g.

pimples/blemishes). Dark Spot Fix can be used morning and/or evening and applied under day and/or night cream. Combine with Verso Nourishing Cream for maximum hydration. If you have sensitive skin or if your skin is not used to active ingredients, we recommend that you slowly get used to the product, preferably every second or third night for the first week and then gradually increase the use.We always recommend finishing your daytime skincare routine with sun protection, at least SPF 30.

This will help to maintain the results of your skincare products and the look of a healthy complexion.15 ml Verso Skincare N°6 Dark Spot Fix With Retinol 8 15 ml

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Pozostałe kosmetyki





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dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso (sklep Bangerhead.pl)

dark spot fix (15ml) marki Verso
Sklep Bangerhead.pl
361,00 zł
Idź do sklepu