• Verso lip serum (15ml) (7350067640231) - Fotografia

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Pozostałe kosmetyki

Lip serum (15ml) (Verso)

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Ważne parametry

  • Kategoria: Uroda » Pozostałe kosmetyki
  • Marka: Verso
  • Numer EAN: 7350067640231
  • Dostępność produktu: Dostępny
Więcej cech produktu

Informacje na temat produktu

Verso Lip Serum with Retinol 8 is a unique, softening, nourishing, and strengthening product that reduces signs of aging and moisturizes your lips. The product protects the sensitive skin on and...

Proponowany produkt Verso lip serum (15ml) (7350067640231) możesz nabyć w Bangerhead.pl w świetnej cenie wynoszącej 229,00 zł. Promocja ta jest wynikiem zbiorczych analiz kilkuset sklepów i hurtowni w naszej bazie.

Najlepsza cena

229,00 zł jest w sklepie Sklep Bangerhead.pl Idź do sklepu Aktualne ceny w sklepach Zobacz produkty podobne

Zaprezentowana sugestia sklepu internetowego Bangerhead.pl to najkorzystniejsza cena (229,00) w bazie. UWAGA: w cenę nie wkalkulowano opłaty za doręczenie, dlatego przedkupnem przeczytaj warunki wysyłki w sklepie.

Cały opis Verso lip serum (15ml) (7350067640231)

Verso Lip Serum with Retinol 8 is a unique, softening, nourishing, and strengthening product that reduces signs of aging and moisturizes your lips. The product protects the sensitive skin on and around the lips and counteracts an uneven skin tone and fine lines with daily use.

Retinol 8 is a stabilized vitamin A complex eight times more effective than standard retinol yet half as irritative, and it gives the lips and lip contour a smoother texture, maximum energy, and increased elasticity.

The carefully selected formula also contains hyaluronic acid and peptides for long-lasting moisture and fuller lips. You don't need to use a separate lip balm – this is your lip serum and lip balm in one.- Moisturizing and strengthening lip product- Restores and nourishes the skin- For softer, smoother, and fuller lipsUse:Apply Verso Lip Serum on and around the lips in the morning and/or evening as a part of your daily skincare routine.

When used regularly, Verso Lip Serum may visibly minimize the signs of aging, thus diminishing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.Skin Expert tip! Use Verso Lip Serum before your makeup routine for a long-lasting effect; properly hydrated lips will give a perfectly primed base, this will help the makeup last for an extended period.We always recommend finishing your daytime skincare routine with sun protection, at least SPF 30.

This will help to maintain the results of your skincare products and the look of a healthy complexion.15 ml Verso Skincare N°9 Lip Serum With Retinol 8 15 ml

Cechy i parametry produktu


Pozostałe kosmetyki





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Verso lip serum (15ml) (7350067640231) (sklep Bangerhead.pl)

Verso lip serum (15ml) (7350067640231)
Sklep Bangerhead.pl
229,00 zł
Idź do sklepu